Maxwell Foundation Newsletter Archive
Issue No.19 Winter 2023
- Dark matter: a cosmic ghost story
Issue No.18 Summer 2022
- An introduction to black holes
Issue No.17 Summer 2022
- Some advances in Pure Mathematics made in the 19th century
Issue No.16 Part Two Spring 2022
- Homage to Heinrich Hertz (Part 2)
Issue No.16 Part One Summer 2021
- Homage to Heinrich Hertz (Part 1)
Issue No.15 Winter 2020
- New electromagnetic surface waves: Voigt surface waves
- Tribute to Professor David S.Ritchie
Issue No.14 Spring 2020
- Maxwell's contribution to standardising the unit of electrical resistance
Issue No.13 Summer 2019
- Saturn's Rings after Cassini
- Visit to Einstein's House
Issue No.12 Spring 2019
- Electroweak Thoughts
- Visit to CERN
Issue No.11 Summer 2018
- Wireless Advances using Visible Light (LiFi)
Issue No.10 Spring 2018
- The Discovery of Gravitational Waves
- Mary Fairfax Somerville (1780-1872), the woman who checkmated James Clerk Maxwell
Issue No.9 Autumn 2017
- Clerk Maxwell and the complex behaviour of an object released from rest in a fluid
- Maxwell on Physical Standards
Issue No.8 Spring 2017
- Some Reflections on the History of Radar from its Invention up to the Second World War
Issue No.7 Autumn 2016
- Maxwell's Equations: the Tip of an Iceberg
- Maxwell and Control Theory
Issue No.6 Winter 2015
- Maxwell's Articles on Structural Mechanics
Issue No.5 Spring 2015
- Maxwell and the Rings of Saturn
- William Dyce Cay (1838-1925), Civil Engineer - James Clerk Maxwell's mathematical cousin
- Book Review: Faraday,Maxwell and the Electromagnetic Field
Issue No.4 Spring 2014
- From Maxwell to Higgs
- Professor Sydney Ross, BSc, PhD, Hon.DSc, CorrFRSE (6/7/1915 – 4/12/2013)
Issue No.3 Spring 2013
- The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- Maxwell's Demon
- Maxwell and the Distribution of Molecular Velocities
Issue No.2 Autumn 2012
- The Changing Notation of Maxwell's Equations
Issue No.1 Spring 2012
- Is the Cosmos teeming with life or is life on Earth unique?
- Maxwell, Einstein, Newton and Faraday
- The Tartan Ribbon and Colour Photography
The JCM Foundation is a charity formed in Scotland in 1977. (Registered Charity SC015003)
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